Weil wir dabei die Hosen runter lassen - in eine andere Hülle schlüpfen - und an dem Tag sicherlich "schwer im Einsatz" sind!
Entweder das Outfit selber machen - Kollektion "Recycling-Clown der HUG-Armee" ... oder, wenn schon denn schon: green fashion!
Es wird empfohlen:
In Gruppen die Verkleidung & kreAktionen vorzubereiten!!!
Wer Lust auf ein Team hat, bitte mailden:
Hilfe @ Weltwassertag.net
Our goal is to get the world to wear FREE HUGS and spread some positive energy. Buying our kit and making your own FREE HUGS clothing is only one way. There are many sites already on the web selling T-shirts, coffee cups, pins and assorted other items with the free hugs message. A T-shirt will typically cost $20 plus shipping costs. Please buy one or two from any site you choose and wear them with pride. We liked the idea of going through the personal effort to create your own customized FREE HUGS shirts, and that's why we started WEARFREEHUGS.
Please come back regularly to see our updates to the site. You can email pictures in your FREE HUGS clothing to pics@wearfreehugs.com and we will post them to the blog. Peace.
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